We’ve delivered projects to clients in various industries including:
- Resource industries (mining and CSG)
- Civil infrastructure
- Residential commercial development
- Training and awareness
Logan River Sand Dredging Project, SE Queensland
Provide impact management plans, water quality and long term ecological monitoring.
Curtis Island LNG Projects. Gladstone, Queensland
Water Mouse (Xeromys myoides), manage the bulk clearing of mangroves and provide Spotter Catchers to undertake the capture and relocation of fauna.
Gladstone Harbour, Queensland
Marine Fauna Management services (Dugong, Turtle, Dolphin and migratory bird monitoring), Terrestrial and Marine spotter catcher services
Gladstone, Queensland
Bowen and Surat Basins, Queensland
Pre-clearing fauna habitat assessments and provision of Spotter Catcher & fauna relocation services for multiple QGC LNG client projects. Including roads, well sites and
infrastructure facilities.
Norwich Park, Sth Walker, Peak Downs and Poitrel Mines, North Queensland
Habitat assessment, fauna surveys, Fauna Management Plans (FMP’s), supervise clearing, capture and relocation of listed mammals, reptiles and birds (spotter catcher). Assisted client to achieve Category 1 EPA rating.
South Walker Creek Mine, Strathfield, Central Queensland
Oversee implementation and provide fauna management services to ensure compliance with the “Threatened Species Management Plan” including fauna habitat assessment, fauna reduction trapping and relocation, supervision of bulk clearing and provide Spotter Catcher team.
Undertake koala habitat assessment and provide management guidelines for future expansion of South Walker Creek Mine.
Redland Bay/Wide Bay/Capricorn Coast Region, Queensland
Koala management, Spotter Catcher, protected flora relocation services across Brisbane/
Redland Bay/Wide Bay region for roads duplication projects
Wide Bay/Capricorn Coast Region, Queensland
Protected flora and fauna assessment, Flora and Fauna Management Plans (FFMP) and oversee flora and fauna relocation
Gold Coast hinterland of South East, Queensland
Aquatic fauna assessment, salvage and relocate aquatic fauna
Brisbane, Queensland
Aquatic habitat and fauna value assessment and manage habitat impacts
Currumbin Ck. Gold Coast
Aquatic habitat assessment, fauna surveys and Fauna Management Plan (FMP)
Gold Coast, Queensland
Aquatic habitat ecological assessment (Flora and Fauna management plans) various streams and wetlands
Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Logan, Brisbane and Pine River Shires.
Habitat assessment, fauna surveys, Koala Management Plans (KMP’s) and Spotter Catcher services
Robina, Gold Coast
Aquatic ecological assessment, Aquatic Fauna Management Plan (AFMP), lake drain and aquatic fauna salvage and relocation. Robina Town Centre redevelopment. 2008.
Threatened species survey Water Mouse (Xeromys myoides) and Glossy Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami). Riparian mangrove/freshwater wetland habitat. .
Undertake pre clearing fauna habitat assessments, supervise bulk clearing activities and provide Spotter Catcher team. 4,000 acres.
Energy Resources of Australia Ltd Project, Redland Bay, Queensland
Provide Spotter Catcher team for multi stage Redland Bay residential project aquatic and terrestrial fauna management
Develop and deliver marine fauna awareness and observer training.
On site fauna management (reptile, mammal and bird). Various major projects across Queensland.
Assist in management of HCV area (Mooball National Park) Northern NSW. Landcare.
Provide habitat awareness training for Gold Coast City Council environmental staff