Flora & Fauna Habitat Assessments

The purpose of a habitat assessment is to determine the potential impacts of a project on its surrounding environment and resident fauna. The information gathered through on-ground assessments is then used to determine the regulatory implications of the project.

Vital Signs Environmental can provide comprehensive flora and fauna habitat assessments for terrestrial and aquatic environments. Our staff can conduct efficient and cost effective ecological habitat assessments of your project’s environment, and deliver timely pre-impact assessments and reporting. We also deliver practical flora and fauna management plans.

Our previous and on-going projects range from nation-wide large scale mining, pipeline and infrastructure projects to individual urban block developments sites.

We work hard to maintain strong networks in the ecological profession. This allows us to provide continuity in relevant skills, access specialist knowledge and ensure consistency in delivery on the client’s needs.

Green Tree Frog

Vital Signs services in Flora & Fauna and Habitat Assessments include:

  • Detailed flora and fauna surveys
  • Pre-impact assessments and reporting
  • Flora and fauna management plans (FMPs)
  • Endangered, Vulnerable and Near Threatened (EVNT) species surveys
  • Aquatic Fauna De-watering Management Plans
  • Aquatic surveys
  • Water quality monitoring (dewatering and aquatic fauna salvage)
  • Estuarine and freshwater habitat assessment
  • Flora and fauna salvage and relocation