The Koala is listed as vulnerable and protected species under Queensland’s Nature Conservation Act 1992 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth). Koalas are found throughout most of Queensland, NSW, Victoria and a smaller number in South Australia.
The Queensland Nature Conservation Plan 2017 (Koala Plan) stipulates that any clearing of certain areas of natural Koala habitat requires the presence of a suitably qualified koala spotter catcher. The Koala Plan also outlines Koala Conservation districts and the requirements for the rehabilitation of sick or injured koalas. Koala legislation and policy can be read on the Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (DEHP) website:
Koala legislation and poilicy –
Vital Signs Koala Spotters hold all the relevant rehabilitation permits and licensing related to the clearing of koala habitat trees in Queensland. We can provide a comprehensive on-site habitat assessment to determine what the legal obligations are related to development in koala habitat areas